Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pottery Barn Kids

We've been very busy lately, hence my lack of post updatesWe were working on a project for Alec which consumed a lot more time than we anticipated.  I only wish I had a good "before" photo to share with you so you could truly appreciate the transformation.  But since I cannot find one, I'll give you a brief idea as to the before.

Alec's bedroom was somewhat basic, a set of bunk beds, matching quilts on top and bottom, light yellow walls and cream carpet.  One day I said, I'd love to make Alec's room more of a cottage feel.  We already had a lot of the basics from one of our favorites . . .

I decided we could keep our basics, such as the bunk bed, similar to the Kendall Twin-Over-Full Bunk Bed. 

And our Kendall Extra-Wide Dresser . . .

Next, we needed to replace the cream carpet (that was no longer cream due to little boy dirt) to a white painted wood floor similar to this:

Once we had the floor complete, we'd add a wainscot to the walls and match the bottom portion of the walls to his existing bedding.  I love his bedding, simple yet fun, the Pottery Barn Patchwork Stars Quilt.  Unfortunately, it is only left in the Nursery Bedding. 

To complete the look, we added the Boys Rugby Rug in two blue tones bordered in green:

We are still in need of a few accessories for the walls.  Alec has picked out a few items to complete his look:
The Oars (shown above the Kendall Dresser)

As well as the Boys' Peronalized Sailboat

Below are a few pictures of our finished product . . .

We hope he enjoys his new room equivalent to the amount of time we put into it!  If you ever decide to paint a wood floor to match a particular paint color, E-mail me - I'll be glad to give you some advice and save you a whole lot of time!

Don't forget Pottery Barn Kids also has a gift registry - perfect for your child's next special occassion!

All images (except for our personal) courtesy

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